Best books to read during pregnancy for intelligent baby: Best Selection

Best books to read during pregnancy for intelligent baby
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Last updated on August 14th, 2024 at 03:32 pm

During pregnancy, a woman always thinks about her child. It comes to his mind that how to make the child smart and intelligent. One method that everyone knows is that when a pregnant woman reads good books, it directly affects her future child. But the question remains in everyone’s mind, what are the best books to read during pregnancy for intelligent babies,

So today in this article, we will answer your question and tell you which books you should read during pregnancy so that your child is born intelligent. So friends, let’s start the article.

What Makes a Baby Intelligent During Pregnancy?

Many factors work in whether a child is intelligent or not. The first factor is the genetic factors that he gets from his parents. Second, when the child is in the womb before birth, it also depends on how the mother’s diet has been, and whether the child will be intelligent or not.

Apart from this, the third and the biggest factor is when the child is in the womb, then the environment around him, how are the people living around him, and what the mother of the child did when he was in the womb, all these things affect the mind of the child. has a direct effect. This is the reason that when a woman is pregnant, she likes to read books that make her child intelligent. That’s why reading books also has a great impact on the intelligence of the child.

Does Reading During Pregnancy Really Impact the Baby’s Intelligence?

It has been found in many research that if a woman is pregnant and she reads good books, then it affects her child. That’s why it is believed that reading books during pregnancy really impacts the baby’s intelligence.
Not only reading books, when the child is at home, all the activities that happen around him have an effect on him.

Best Books to Read During Pregnancy for Intelligent Baby:

All the books given below are the best books to read during pregnancy for an intelligent baby. This is such a collection of books that has been selected for you out of thousands of books, you can use any of the books given below.

Recommended Best books to read during pregnancy for intelligent baby

Book TitleAuthor
The Baby’s Brain: Wider than the SkySandra Aamodt
The Genius in Every ChildRick Ackerly
Brain Rules for BabyJohn Medina
The Wonder WeeksFrans X. Plooij and Hetty van de Rijt
The Mozart Effect on BabiesDon Campbell

Assembled as an exclusive selection from a plethora of titles, these books offer enriching reading options during pregnancy to foster the development of an intelligent baby. Please feel free to choose from this curated collection.

Indian Books to Read During Pregnancy for Baby Brain Development:

All the above-mentioned books are the Best Books to Read During Pregnancy with Foreign Intelligent Baby. But all those books are very difficult to find in India. That’s why we have given below some “Indian Books to Read During Pregnancy for Baby Brain Development”.

You can use it by taking any of the books given below.

  1. Garbhsanskar” by Dr. Balaji Tambe
  2. Ayurvedic Garbh Sanskar” by Dr. Shri Balaji Tambe
  3. Sacred Nine Months” by B.N. Sinha
  4. Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar” by Dr. Abhay Bang and Dr. Sharda Bang
  5. Maayaa” by Devdutt Pattanaik

Best books to read during pregnancy for intelligent baby

How Early Should You Start Reading to Your Baby During Pregnancy?

You can begin reading to your baby as early as the second trimester. Because the child starts hearing in the second trimester. The second trimester starts from the fourth month and continues till the sixth month. These days the child starts listening. That’s why the books that are read by his mother or someone else and the child is listening to them, it has a deep impact on the child.

Big experts believe that if a pregnant woman starts reading books from the fourth month, then whatever she reads in those books directly affects the mind of the child. That is why it is believed that if a pregnant woman reads good books, then its effect will be good on the child.

Other Activities Besides Reading to Enhance Baby’s Intelligence During Pregnancy.

While reading is a wonderful activity, there are other ways to stimulate your baby’s developing brain. We have given below some such activities which have a direct effect on the mind of the child.

Sr No.Activities.What to do.
1Listen to audio stories.If a pregnant woman listens to an audio story after 4 months, it has a direct effect on the child as well. Because at this time the child starts listening properly.
2Engaging in conversations.If a pregnant woman talks with someone for more than 4 months, then it also affects the mind of the child. Therefore, if a pregnant woman is more than 4 months old, then she has to pay attention to her words, and what kind of things she is saying. If she does good things, then it will have a good effect on the child, so the woman needs to pay attention.
3Playing soft music.If the woman is pregnant, then she can also listen to soft music, which relaxes the mind of the child and helps in its development process.
4Watching movies.If the woman is pregnant and her second trimester is going on, then she should watch movies. Movies should be seen in such a way that they have a positive effect on the mind of the child.
5Talking to your baby.Apart from all the activities given above, there is one activity that affects the child the most. That is talking to the child, when your second trimester is going on, you can also talk to your child. It is true that after the second trimester, the child starts listening well and he starts understanding what is happening and what kind of things are happening.

What Fruit Is Good for Baby Brain Development?

A nutritious diet during pregnancy is crucial for the baby’s brain development. Fruits are rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients. And this is the reason why most people prefer to feed fruits to pregnant women. Below we have given some such fruits that a pregnant woman eats, then her child’s brain development is good.

  • Oranges
  • Avocados
  • Strawberries
  • Bananas

These are beneficial for the baby’s brain health. These fruits provide vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support neural development.

Can Playing Classical Music During Pregnancy Enhance the Baby’s Intelligence?

Can Playing Classical Music During Pregnancy Enhance the Baby's Intelligence

The concept of the Mozart Effect suggests that listening to classical music, particularly compositions by Mozart, can enhance cognitive abilities. While the direct impact on intelligence is still debated, exposing your baby to soothing classical music during pregnancy can create a calming and positive environment, which can indirectly support brain development.

Is It Necessary to Read Aloud to the Baby in the Womb or Can You Read Silently?

Reading aloud is preferred when engaging with your baby in the womb. When you read aloud, your baby can hear the intonations, rhythms, and patterns of language. But if we talk about our experience, then when the child is in the womb, it neither knows any language nor can it understand some things. That’s why if you read loudly, it is not that the child will understand your language. But the baby feels your sound waves inside the womb.

Books in which intelligence is mentioned or intelligent people are mentioned. When a pregnant woman reads such books, a different feeling comes in her mind and the same feeling reaches the child growing in her womb. Because of this, there are more chances of him being born intelligent.

Therefore, if you read any book loudly or read it slowly, it does not have much effect. But the only difference is that when you read the books out loud, the sound waves will reach the child easily and its effect will be quick. This is the only reason why people say that if a pregnant woman reads any book aloud, it has a quick effect on the child.

How Do the Mother’s Stress Levels During Pregnancy Affect the Baby’s Intelligence?

High levels of stress during pregnancy can potentially have an impact on the baby’s intelligence and overall development. When a mother experiences chronic stress, her body produces stress hormones that can cross the placenta and reach the developing baby. Prolonged exposure to stress hormones can disrupt a baby’s brain development and potentially affect their cognitive abilities.

To support your baby’s healthy brain development, expectant mothers need to manage stress levels. Engaging in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, prenatal yoga, and seeking emotional support can help reduce stress and create a positive environment for your baby’s well-being.


Finally, after writing the complete article, we came to know that reading books is a very good option for pregnant women. So that his child will be born intelligent.

All the questions you had that which books should be read during pregnancy, what should be eaten during pregnancy, while reading books and whether books should be read aloud or should be read slowly after how many months of pregnancy to start reading books Should be done, we have answered all the questions that were in your mind.

But from now onwards you have to keep in mind that whenever there is a pregnant woman in your house, from the fourth month till the last, such books have to be given to read so that her child is born intelligent. We have mentioned all those books in the above paragraph. You can read them by purchasing them online. This thing has come to know after doing a lot of research and this is the reason why all the knowledgeable people suggest it.


Thanks for your visit.

(Best books to read during pregnancy for intelligent baby)

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